
Updates fra CICA

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Stor EU-bevilling opnået til  AI-assisteret kapselendoskopi 

Vi er meget glade for officielt at kunne meddele, at AICE -konsortiet koordineret af os i CICA, OUH Svendborg, har fået bevilget 6 mio. Euro som en del af Horizon Europe-programmet.

Det 4-årige AICE-projekt har til formål at skabe grundlaget og adressere barrierer for at gøre AI-assisteret kapselendoskopi til en del af fremtiden for kolorektal cancerdiagnostik.

Vores tværfaglige team vil dække aspekter som validering og udvikling af algoritmer, oprettelse af en klinisk støtteplatform, kliniske indikationer og retningslinjer, patientengagement, omkostningseffektivitet, etiske overvejelser og fremtidige implementeringsstrategier.

AICE-teamet består af 12 private og offentlige partnere fra hele Europa, der repræsenterer mange forskellige ekspertiseområder, herunder sundhedsvidenskab, softwareudvikling, datavidenskab, digital innovation og kommunikation samt samfundsvidenskab og humaniora.

Den fulde titel på AICE er AI-understøttet billedanalyse i tyktarmskamera Capsule Endoscopy. Læs den fulde pressemeddelelse.


Prof. Anastasios Koulaouzidis afholder tiltrædelsesseminar d. 1. April 2022 kl. 14.00

Det er muligt at se tiltrædelsesseminaret online via dette link: 

https://syddanskuni.zoom.us/j/69488064834?pwd=aUt5WU55SkM0czdyTUN3aWF2cklldz09 – Passcode  125760



“From diagnostic to therapeutic capsules” Anastasios Koulaouzidis professor, MD DM PhD, Research Unit of Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital and Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark.

“Small bowel Capsule endoscopy and AI – a successful marriage” Xavier Dray, professor, MD PhD – Centre d’endoscopie digestive, DMU SAPERE, Sorbonne Université Hôpital Saint-Antoine.

“AI in colon capsule endoscopy” Gunnar Baatrup, professor, D.M.Sc Research Unit of Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital and Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark.

Invitation til Webinar 20. April 2021.

The Dept. of Surgery at OUH Odense Universitetshospital – Svendborg Sygehus is currently doing research on colon capsule endoscopy for screening and diagnosis of colon cancer.

A key part of the work is collaborating with colleagues at the Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre and NHS Highland in Scotland about the results and clinical best practice, as well as developing AI algorithms for analysis of CCE images in collaboration with researchers from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Southern Denmark.

Join the experts for a webinar on the status of the international research collaboration and their plans for the future on April 20 2021.

Speakers include Gunnar BaatrupAngus Watson and Joanne Boyle.

Read more & Register here

Grant of 500.000 DKK from the research fund

July 2020

Jens Søndergaard, Primary Investigator of W6 “CCE as a filter test I general practice” has received a grant of 500.000 DKK. as co-financing for CICA.

The grant was received from the research fund ”Tidlig opsporing af kræft i almen praksis – Jo før jo bedre” at The Region of Southern Denmark.

WP6 will focus on the use of camera pills in general practice in terms of transferring current experiences as well as testing the potential of camera pills in general practice. This is done by researching patient reported outcomes and by focusing specifically on patient experiences and feasibility of implementation.

Now it all begins – CICA Kick off Symposium

On January 16th, CICA was officially launched. The symposium was opened by the Chairman of the Region of Southern Denmark, Stephanie Lose, and the Chair of the Health Committee, Poul Erik Svendsen. 

The centre leader, Professor Gunnar Baatrup, opened the scientific part of the programme by laying out the objectives of CICA and how the research activities will be organised to move beyond state-of-the-art by collaborating across clinical and technical domains.

The speakers took the audience on a journey through the intestinal system and explained the clinical potential and the technical development potential of using artificial intelligence.